Many dairy hers enjoy the benefits of Immu-pro. Now a sizable amount of these highly successful dairy farmers are also adding more “octane” to their T.M.R. mix with Stay Strong by Ralco. This unique in all of “dairydom” product is a unique blend of binders, buffers, feed favoring agents and digestive enhancements. White Immu-pro is primarily an immune system aid , SCC reducer and reproductive specialist. Stay Strong builds a stronger appetite plus healthier gut plus greater more complete digestion and nutrient absorption into the blood—-for more milk and components.
Cows love the flavor and leave less feed behind. Having Stay Strong in the mix 2X/day is like having a feed processor inside each cow grind feed. In fact Stay Strong will grind up fober in ration so well giving you the energy equivalency of five more pounds of corn in each cow’s ration daily cutting feed cost. Ringgold farms of Hagers Town, MD. Recently contacted us and ordered ten more bags of Stay Strong. “Yes” these are the greatest components we’ve ever had they remarked 4.1-4.2F 3.41P SCC 78 – 140 SCC was 200 – 350 was 3.6-3.8F was 3.0-3.1P milk up ten pounds per cow all Holsteins. The feed 0.50oz of Immu-pro and 0.50oz Stay Strong per lactating cow every morning and evening. In the T.M.R. you will find just 0.50oz Stay Strong per cow as Immu-pro is only to fed in the morning Most other Holstein herds report these results with Immu-pro and Stay Strong fed together: 4-4.3F 3.1-3.4P. SCC usually drops another 30,000 to 200,000 SCC also milk will usually go up about 5-10lbs/cow/day. Stay Strong try it today with Immu-pro for a great “1-2 punch”. See how much more profitable you can be. Be ready to be impressed.
Michael Sokolowski President Alpha Genetics Inc.
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