Congratulations to the Milwaukee Bucks! The 2021 National Basketball Association (NBA) World Champs! It was 50 years ago when the Bucks won their last World title. At that time I was a skinny 105 pound dairy farm boy and a freshman in high school in 1971; Oops I just dated myself! While the Bucks have had many good players over the years Jabra, Robinson, etc.
What I like about this team (even if you don’t like sports, you can always learn a valuable life lesson from it) they never gave up; they are “gritty”. They had many injuries with Giannis and Middleton and etc. The bucks were even humiliated and literally the “lights went out” on championship hopes as they were beaten by 39 points in the first game in the playoffs. However, the bucks in the next game rallied and won! In time they overcame all the adversities even Giannis out several games with a knee injury and out played teams leaded with super stars like Brooklyn, Atlanta and Phoenix with only two superstars; Giannis and Middleton.
This “Blue Collar” team played together as an unselfish determined in a mission team, and Giannis motivated and lead them all to victory by scoring 50 points in the final game against Phoenix (Take note Aaron Rogers and the Green Bay Packers and all people). That is how you win a Championship and get things done in life! Work hard together never give up! You be the last one out there still working like Giannis giving it all you got till the work and games are over!! The Bible says “And what so ever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men Colossians 3:23.
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