
Increasing Calf and Heifer Growth

Everyone wants an advantage or “leg up” on the competition don’t they? Many give ID-1 at birth to all calves. They also feed only real milk to the new born calves. Immu-pro then feed to all 2,000-3,000lb more milk per lactation when these calves become cows for you....

How to Raise Milk Profits

Want higher farm milk prices? Every dairy farmer and everyone else who sells and services the dairy industry; vets, feed companies, nutritionists, bull studs, and etc. needs to promote milk and dairy products daily. You might ask others, “Have you had your 3 glasses...

Penn State Study

A Penn State study showed calves fed whole milk grow faster and stay healthier plus produce over 2.000lbs more milk/lact. than those fed milk replacer. God gave us the best “all in one” food in whole dairy milk. Have you had your 3 glasses of milk today? Immu-Pro...

Less is More

Less is more. How? Aim for only 45-55 dry days dry per/cow also encourage start breeding many cows and heifers (unless milking extremely or injury etc.) 45-76 days after calving. Target a 12.1 month calving internal and you’ll have more pounds of milk per day...