
Heifer Plus/Bull Plus

Want a much lower cost way to get heifers or bulls or more over cost of sorted semen plus gain a 20-50% conception advantage by using Heifer Plus or Bull Plus. Also you will get 80-90% heifers with Heifer Plus and 80-90% bulls with Bull Plus. The use of both are quick...

Increasing Calf and Heifer Growth

Everyone wants an advantage or “leg up” on the competition don’t they? Many give ID-1 at birth to all calves. They also feed only real milk to the new born calves. Immu-pro then feed to all 2,000-3,000lb more milk per lactation when these calves become cows for you....

Registrations Up to Date?

If you have purebred cattle, you know how easy it is to get behind in registrations. Pretty soon a buyer comes to your farm and you don’t have the registration papers on that fancy heifer and you missed the sale! Get caught up now and stay with it. ID-1 at birth and...

High Tech Repro

A.I. rises or falls as you of course know on heat detection because how can you know when to inseminate a cow unless you know the optimal time? Many A.I. companies offer A.I. heat detection collars. They can be a real profit maker and cow saver along with a labor...

Polled or Pain

When I checked that two week old heifer calf born in our herd , I was pleasantly surprised no horn buds (that was 1978). Hopefully, we will never get so stuck in our pride of tradition we will be closed to change. Take polled dairy and beef cattle. True most of the...