
Increasing Calf and Heifer Growth

Everyone wants an advantage or “leg up” on the competition don’t they? Many give ID-1 at birth to all calves. They also feed only real milk to the new born calves. Immu-pro then feed to all 2,000-3,000lb more milk per lactation when these calves become cows for you....

The Middle of Pack Forgotten Ones

 If you are a runner or used to be like I used to be before back injuries, it was fun to win or be near the top in races wasn’t it? We tend to focus on the winners and the former winner who finished near the “back of the pack.” What about those runners crossing the...

COVID-19 Is It a Pandemic?

We as Americans have been much blessed by GOD with so many resources, talented, generous , innovative, hard working in location people. The resilient people homebound that bounce back well after every war and difficulty. Now it’s time to put COVID-19 bon the rearview...