
Ready to Show?

Livestock show season is rapidly approaching, ready? Make sure cattle have all needed health testing completed and in hand confirm with The Fair or Show your entries. Cattle leading well and equipment with transportation of course your lodging ready? Many give fight...

Fly and Pest Contro

Now is the time to get at fly and livestock pest control. This before they take a big slice out of your milk/beef check. Currently the push seems to be on to the more non chemical methods of livestock pest control. Fly and mosquito electro killing devices have worked...

Better Sleep

Some nutritionist recommend to eat ¼ cup of walnuts daily. Yes, that seems to work. I’ve found plus many have found seems to promote deep sleep. For sure don’t go to bed angry, relax and forgive, “Be angry and sin not: (don’t say or do something that is untended to...

More Good News

Bloomberg business has some great news for us all! In 1st week April 2021 weekly jobless claims fell by over 250,000 to 500,000 in U.S. A. What does this mean for you and I in the U.S.A? Companies are getting much more optimistic about the U.S.A. and worldwide economy...

High Tech Repro

A.I. rises or falls as you of course know on heat detection because how can you know when to inseminate a cow unless you know the optimal time? Many A.I. companies offer A.I. heat detection collars. They can be a real profit maker and cow saver along with a labor...