by staging_alphagenetic | Mar 31, 2021 | Advice and Tips
Some may think calves are born with a 10,000 BTU heater but they are not. They are fragile and get cold just like you and I. So, as you have given that Jersey new born 2 quarters colostrum other breeds 3 quarters. Then let the “calf mom” lick off the calf about one...
by staging_alphagenetic | Feb 1, 2021 | Advice and Tips
If you are a runner or used to be like I used to be before back injuries, it was fun to win or be near the top in races wasn’t it? We tend to focus on the winners and the former winner who finished near the “back of the pack.” What about those runners crossing the...
by staging_alphagenetic | Jan 13, 2021 | Advice and Tips
1) Immediately A.S.A.P. after calving, clean out calf’s mouth and nostrils of mucus. Put two fingers in calf’s nostrils and pinch together for one second and remove to get calf breathing. A piece of stray bedding or even a drinking straw works great also. 2) Carry cow...
by LukeMielke | Mar 3, 2020 | Advice and Tips
Many use Fight Strong Calf Capsules with electrolytes. It’s life assurance for calves; a life saver! Get your supply 1-262-473-6291.
by LukeMielke | Mar 2, 2020 | Advice and Tips
Calf raiser secret put 0.25oz Immu-Pro in the morning. Calf milk for the best calf health and growth you have ever had. 1-920-560-1631.
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