
Professionally Designed Website

Need a great web site? Call Luke Mielke at FuZion Videos. Luke is highly skilled not only as a web designer builder but also is a gifted movie producer. Luke, in fact, can do podcasts for you farm or business giving you a great competitive edge. His rates are very...

Supplementing Dairy Farm Income

Here are a few tips and ideas for struggling dairy farmers to supplement their income. Buy & Sell replacement cows, heifers, and show cattle. Sell embryos from your best cows Do relief milking chores Construction carpentry Custom raise calves/heifers Custom...

What to do about your price of milk?

2014 was a great year for dairymen in terms of the milk prices. But what about the future? Nothing is really nailed down, correct? So take a deep breath. Could it all change and go down? Yes! Seasons change, fuel prices vary, corn and soybean prices jump around. Milk...

PROMOTE MILK It’s the right thing to do!

Why? Because milk is the best and most complete food God ever gave us! Protein, minerals, and vitamins – it’s all there. In fact, just 3 glasses of milk per day meets all your calcium needs to help keep your bones and teeth strong – so doctors tell us, “Drink...