
Why? Because milk is the best and most complete food God ever gave us! Protein, minerals, and vitamins – it’s all there. In fact, just 3 glasses of milk per day meets all your calcium needs to help keep your bones and teeth strong – so doctors tell us, “Drink milk.” Thank people for buying milk and other dairy products when you see people in stores. For more milk promotion ideas, other great “doors” of opportunity to knock on are your local grade schools – both public and private. Offer free tours of your farm to perhaps 100 school children at a time. Contact school principals and mention that this is an educational field trip and you want to show teachers and children where their milk and food originates (at the farm, not the store!), the health benefits of milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc., and how the dairy farmer helps the local economy by keeping many Ag-related support people employed. Let young people who are involved in sports know that white or chocolate milk is the best sport drink for after workouts or games. (Ideal balance of protein to carbs.) Also, for every $1 the dairy farmer spends, it “spins” through the economy eight times! In Wisconsin, each cow adds $20,000 to the economy. Remember, a little bit of encouragement can go a long way. Start and keep promoting milk and dairy products today!