
Since Corona Virus has now canceled all major sports and events like N.C.A.A. men’s basketball tournament, N.B.A., N.H.L., M.L.B. and Golf and possibly horseshoes , lawn darts and basketball by the garaged. What will you do now? I encourage all married men to spend more time with your wife. Take her out to dinner weekly. For married and singles talk and have fun with your family and friends. Go out for recreation visit the shut-ins; encourage others who are struggling. Start reading the Bible daily to know God and find his will and plans for your life. Start in the Gospel of John, you will be amazed. Some I know have read the Bible for fifty years and more. For the farmers get your herd’s ”batting average” up on milk profits, how? Feed Immu-Pro every morning to all cows and calves. To order or to get more call 1-920-650-1631.