
Remedy for Sore Throat, Colds, and the Flu

If you are just getting a cold, get our product called Skinjoy Lotion. Skinjoy has shown to rapidly reduce swelling & pain when rubbed topically over throat. You can also rub this on chest area and alongside the nose. You’ll be amazed at how quick it works....

Supplementing Dairy Farm Income

Here are a few tips and ideas for struggling dairy farmers to supplement their income. Buy & Sell replacement cows, heifers, and show cattle. Sell embryos from your best cows Do relief milking chores Construction carpentry Custom raise calves/heifers Custom...

Do not sign up for milk loss insurance

If you think the federal government has your best interest in mind you need to think again. The milk loss insurance government program only favors the government as they will formulate ways to NOT pay you. Our advise is to not sigh up for it. Instead retool ration...

Winter Newsletter 2015

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Bulk Tank Fat % and Protein % too low?

Surprisingly it may be a simple correction to fix. This mainly applies to smaller to moderate sized dairy farms using a bulk milt tank system.   Suggestion: At every milk pick up, make sure someone is there for accountability sake to activate the bulk tank...